
Showing posts from August, 2019

a word

Yesterday at church the pastor talked about prayer and how when we ask for one thing, God has to do ten thousand things in order for that prayer to be answered. One example he used was for someone to ask for a word, so many people had to be in the right place at the right time but it was over a span of 50 years that could lead up to this one divine moment. For every little thing we ask for, God puts ten thousand things into motion. How incredible is that?!?! This is a perfect representation of God's love for us, He is willing to affect the lives of everyone to fulfill what one person asks. Now, that doesn't mean whatever is being asked will be received right away or even at all. I believe it is in our human nature to have some expectations as to what we want God to give us rather than completely trusting in what has been set into motion already. He wants us to remain faithful in Him regardless of what the timeline may be. Waiting is one of the hardest things to do and it can be...