Deep Water
"But I can't find my purpose when I don't know what my worth is"
One of my favorite things to do when listening to music is to see if there are any hidden messages in the song that could possible be taken in a context that turns back to God. This quote is from the lyrics of the song Deep Water by the band American Authors and although I have no set knowledge of their religious/faith background. This song could very well be taken in a way that turns back to Christian faith. Though the story behind the song is written about the loved ones of the band staying close and supporting them in the difficult time, one could take the lyrics to turn back towards God being by your side when you are going through the deep water. While listening to this song for the first time, I thought to myself "hold up, this is actually pretty accurate, how would we know what our purpose is if we are unknowing of our worth or identity?". As Christians, we know that we have an identity in Christ and we are told in Matthew 10:29-31 "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." We are so valued by God that he knows the number of hairs on our head! That's absolutely crazy to me, imagine sitting there trying to count how many hairs are on your head, that would take forever and God knows that number exactly. He cares for you so much to know every single detail about you, and what is even crazier to think about is he knows things about you that you don't even know yourself. God wants to use those unique characteristics he has given you to expand his Kingdom so more can come to know Him. Growing up in the church you're always told that God has a unique and special purpose for your life. Will he tell you with a neon sign and a letter explaining what he expects of you? No, but he desires for you to explore the relationship you have with Him so that you can find out what all he can use you for. Over the last few years I have learned that simply being a presence and an example of what it means to live out the Christian faith speaks volumes to others. Simple acts will show others what you believe. Do I know exactly how God is going to use me in the future? Not one bit, but I know that I should be unashamed of my faith and through my morals and beliefs people can see a glimpse of who Christ is. If you are unsure of what your purpose is I encourage you to dig deeper and learn that your identity is in Christ. He has adopted you as His child and loves you unconditionally and nothing could ever change that. You were created in His image, worth so much more than you could ever think possible. Our God will be there for you through whatever deep water you may be treading through. When you feel like you are being pulled under, he is there to lift you up and make you stronger.
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